
Review: Pure Protein Bars

  • Macros - 8.25/10
  • Value - 10/10
  • Taste - 4/10
  • Overall Score - 7.6/10


I find the taste of Pure Protein bars disappointing, which is unfortunate given their exceptional affordability. I still purchase them from Costco due to the sheer number of protein bars I go through, but they’ll never be my top choice when it comes to enjoyment.


  • Unbeatable value
  • Great macros, minimal added sugar
  • Easy to find


  • Taste is passable at best


These bars are the reason taste is one of the categories that I score protein bars on, and not in a good way. I buy these bars as a go-to because what I get for my money is hard to argue against, but I’m never particularly thrilled to reach for one.

The flavors, in my opinion, range from anywhere to “passable” to “dreadful”, especially compared to some other bars that aren’t too much more expensive and are actually, dare I say, enjoyable. A good protein bar, in my opinion, shouldn’t have to taste like the purpose is to provide a lot of protein in relatively few calories, but is able to do so anyway. Pure Protein delivers in the second half, but consistently tastes like whey in a way that’s hard to describe, but recognizable once you’ve tried it for yourself.

The variety pack that can often be found for super cheap at wholesale stores like Costco and Sam’s Club come with three flavors: Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Deluxe, and Chewy Chocolate Chip.

Chocolate Peanut Butter

Of all of the Pure Protein flavors I’ve had, this is by far the worst-tasting. This is what I think of when I think of that a protein bar is “supposed” to taste like – flat, boring, and like the taste of whey is being masked by cheap artificial flavoring and sweeteners. Unfortunately, there’s the most of this flavor in the wholesale variety pack, so I can only assume it’s the cheapest to manufacture as well.

Chocolate Deluxe

Slightly more passable, certainly compared to Chocolate Peanut Butter. Nothing particularly remarkable here; tastes like a stale brownie made with chocolate protein powder.

Chewy Chocolate Chip

The only variety pack flavor I actually enjoy. Still pales in comparison to other brands but is much better than the previous two flavors.

Cookies and Cream

I actually enjoy the Cookies and Cream flavor, but unfortunately, I’ve only been able to find these for much more than the variety packs of the first three flavors cost at Amazon and Walmart. The cost alone is what’s keeping me purchasing these bars, and I simply can’t justify spending the same amount I would pay per bar on a protein bar I enjoy much more than this one, such as Barebells.


The value on these bars is unfortunately what keeps bringing me back. Of all of the bars I have tried and scored (including many I’ve yet to review), Pure Protein bars take the top spot for combined macro score and value score. At the time of writing, they offer an impressive 15 grams of protein per dollar when purchased from Amazon, and this number goes even higher when purchased from Costco or Sam’s Club (though I highly recommend purchasing in a smaller quantity to try the flavors before committing to a value pack).


I don’t really have much else to say about these. If I’m behind on protein for the day, I’ll usually reach for one of these. If it’s not Chocolate Peanut Butter, I’ll tolerate it, and if it is, I’ll eat it anyway because protein bars aren’t cheap and I balk at the idea of raising my groceries budget for eating any more “nice” protein bars than I do.

Also helpful is how easy it is to find these. They can be found for the great value that makes them worth getting at Amazon, or in person at Costco (and sometimes they go on sale, making them even better for the price). If you’re looking for a source of protein that offers excellent macros at a great price and don’t mind the taste, these are probably the bar for you.

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